
Understanding Running Addicts

Summer is in full swing, meaning runners are, too. Maybe you have glimpsed fascinating creatures outside and about, loping along trails and paths. Perhaps you have even seen runners in suburban settings, including supermarkets and coffeehouses, searching for food.

But what do you really know about these creatures that are aerobic that are self-conscious? Are they dangerous? What do they eat? How does one get rid of one that is in your house?

These questions are not academic. As the public grows, and an increasing number of acreage is developed, human-runner interactions will merely grow. The following information will help prepare you.

Why do runners run?

Why do runners run? You might as well ask, “Why do birds fly?” or “Why do fish swim?” or “Why do folks purchase scratch-off lottery tickets?” The reply is the same: Because it is awesome. Additionally, in the event of running, because perhaps it is possible to lose a couple of pounds.

Why do runners wear those wild clothes?

Scientists are uncertain just what purpose is served by the skimpy and generally brilliantly coloured gear runners wear. One theory is that it’s meant to bring prospective mates. Another is it’s defensive, as it makes them more visible. Some biologists consider that runners have really evolved to favor brighter clothing, as those wearing dull shades like “Pavement Grey” tend to not live long enough to copy.

Are not runners safe?

They should never be provoked by you, needless to say. But runners will go from their way in order to avoid confrontation and are docile. Nevertheless, females pushing jogging strollers may attack if they believe their babies are in risk. Also, runners might be enraged by hearing particular phrases; among them:

  • “Running will ruin your knees.”
  • “Marathons cause heart attacks.”
  • “Hey, you’re a jogger, right?”
  • “Jogging will ruin your knees.”

Runners may react powerfully. Significance, they will go on to Facebook and post a rant that their jogging buddies will then “Like.”

What do runners eat?

Runners enjoy a diverse diet, composed of bananas, sports drinks, bagels, pizza, smoothies, beer, pasta, spareribs, chicken lo mein, muffins, scrambled eggs, sushi, ice cream, grilled shrimp skewers, black bean enchiladas, and those big turkey legs they sell at state fairs and Renaissance festivals. And that’s just on their days that are long run.

You might be tempted to feed runners–especially the lanky ones–but do not do it. You’ll just bring more of them, and runners swarming in great amounts may be a nuisance.

What should I do if I confront a runner who is lost and scared?

From time to time, a runner find himself in unknown land and may ramble from his pack, including a dinner party full of extroverts or a sports bar. Frequently, from will appear agitated, or confused.

Do not panic! Runners can sense anxiety, and it will only make a bad situation worse. Approach the runner and ask about his footwear or his watch. Both will probably run -specific. Shortly he will be talking about running, nonstop, that may put him at ease. This will buy you some time while someone phones the closest specialty running store. The shop will send someone to pick up the runner and return him to safety.

What if I find a base runner in my own house?

Notably in air-conditioned homes, runners may seek aid in the hot summer months and then panic when they can not get back out–particularly once they recognize that their GPS watch has lost its satellite connection. If you find a runner stuck in your house, open a door and try to “shoo” her out with a sweeper. If this doesn’t work, try a little trickery. Pointing outside and yelling, “Hey! Is not that the guy who wrote “Born to Run”?” has been understood to work.

How do they copy?

Runners practice a complicated mating ritual that starts with the man donning a novelty T-shirt reading “Distance Runners Do It Longer” and ends suddenly, minutes after, with the female reminding him that they both have to be up early for a long run so they really should merely “hit the hay.”

In short: No one knows.

There is considerably more, obviously. Runners are complex, fascinating creatures, and they have much to teach us. I really hope that this advice helps ensure that your meetings with runners–this summer and are healthy and happy ones.


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